


Kris Middleton T/A The Legend of Skippy
33 Kilwick Street
TS24 7QG
United Kingdom

Invoice Number INV-0182
Invoice Date 14/03/2023
Total Due £150.00
Teesside Sport

Olimpia Building, Teesside University

PO 3110121

Games taking place at Teesside University in the Men's Northern Tier 2 Futsal League

Teesside v Newcastle

Teesside v UCFB (Cup Game)

Teesside v Durham 2nd Team

Teesside v York

Teesside v Sunderland

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
5 Futsal Referee Appointment

Matches played at 2x 20 minute halves with the last 2 minutes using the stop-clock.

Sub Total £150.00
Tax £0.00
Total Due £150.00

Sort Code: 55-81-04
Account Number: 84147172
Account Name: The Legend of Skippy

For Cheque Payments please make them out to 'The Legend of Skippy', or 'Kris Middleton T/A The Legend of Skippy'.